When COVID-19 forced us to all stay home, a lot of things changed and since then, everyone has experienced new types of stress and anxiety.
Thankfully, APLA Health was able to continue serving our clients; we had new behavioral telehealth services up and running within 3 days! Now we are able to provide 100% of our counseling appointments using telehealth.
We’ve seen some benefits to moving to behavioral telehealth. Our providers actually say that clients are more open and forthcoming now that they are at home! We’ve also seen our no- show/cancellation rates cut in half.
We’re also able to provide online video support groups to a broader area of people. People on the Westside of Los Angeles can now be in the same group as someone from Long Beach, helping bring us closer together even though we have to stay apart.

Read the Care Newsletter


Our professional benefits counselors help people navigate the complex array of programs that are available for them; from Social Security, Ryan White programs, ADAP, PrEP-AP and many more. It’s a complicated alphabet soup designed to help people but can be so confusing that many don’t know where to begin.

APLA Health lives and breathes these acronyms and can get people enrolled in the programs that best meet their needs. We can assist clients with telephone case management, medical transportation, and more so nothing stands in their way of receiving care. We can even offer Lyft or Uber transportation to and from critical appointments!

Thanks to AWLA, we can plan on new ways to expand our programs and services.

Read the Support Newsletter


A diagnosis of HIV was once presumed to be fatal, and many lived in fear of transmitting the virus to others. This contributed to decades of stigma for those living with HIV.

U=U is another tool in the fight against the stigma associated with HIV. The more people know about U=U, the more lives can be improved.

U=U helps by:
Reducing stigma and anxiety around testing
Encouraging people living with HIV to stay in care
Allowing people living with HIV to have open and fulfilling sexual lives.

HIV is more manageable than ever before, and people with HIV can use U=U to break the link between sex and HIV transmission.

Read the Education Newsletter